6 Essential Safety Tips Every Motorcyclist Should Follow to Avoid Accidents

According to a study by Monash University, the rate of fatal or serious injury crashes for motorcycles in Australia is twice that for cars. This is even if motorcycles are only 4.6% of registered vehicles in the country compared to cars which account for 72%, as reported by Finder this year. Also, while there are only 600 million motorcycles globally compared to 1.4 billion cars according to Riders Share and, according to the National Safety Council, motorcycles were only 3% of registered vehicles, they contributed to a whopping 14.6% of all traffic fatalities in 2022. These, among other statistics, not only show that motorcycle accidents contribute significantly to road traffic injuries and fatalities, but also underscore a concrete need for more motorcycle safety awareness. This month of May – when many around the world observe Motorcycle Safety Month – presents an opportune time to focus on this issue.

We asked experienced motorcyclists and legal experts, and they gave their safety tips to help riders and drivers alike reduce the risk of accidents. From the importance of minding the road for hazards to the essential practice of following laws and wearing protective gear, they offer insights on staying safe on two wheels.

Here’s what they have to say.

Mind the Road and Watch for Hazards

I’ve seen too many cases where a simple patch of gravel has turned a leisurely ride into a nightmare. My advice to motorcyclists is to be extra mindful of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for gravel, debris, potholes, and slippery surfaces, especially when the weather turns sour. Adjust your speed accordingly and adapt your riding style to match the conditions.

And if you’re a driver, recognize that motorcyclists have just as much right to be there as you do, and share the road rather than being hostile. Especially when it comes to lane-splitting. In some states and regions, lane-splitting is perfectly legal. That means motorcyclists might be filtering through traffic, and it’s crucial for other drivers to be prepared for that. Stay aware of your surroundings and check your mirrors frequently.

Alex Freeburg, Owner, Freeburg Law

Alex Freeburg, Owner, Freeburg Law

Increase Visibility with Bright Gear

In my experience as a personal injury attorney, I’ve seen far too many cases where lack of visibility has played a significant role in motorcycle accidents. That’s why I always advocate wearing brightly-colored or reflective clothing and ensuring your motorcycle is equipped with lights and reflective materials. These simple measures can make a world of difference, especially during low-light conditions or when weather conditions are less than ideal.

As for other drivers on the road, always give motorcyclists the space they need to maneuver safely. This means avoiding following motorcycles too closely and providing ample room for them to navigate the road. Remember, motorcycles require more space to stop and maneuver compared to larger vehicles, so drivers need to be mindful of this and adjust their driving accordingly.

Riley Beam, Managing Attorney, Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

Riley Beam, Managing Attorney, Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

Wear Protective Gear and Maintain It

Motorcyclists are significantly more vulnerable on the road compared to those driving cars or trucks. The lack of protection around them puts them at a higher risk of serious injuries in case of an accident. 

Therefore, it is crucial for motorcyclists to always wear protective gear while riding. This includes a DOT-approved helmet, gloves, boots, and proper motorcycle-specific attire. It is also essential to regularly check and maintain the gear to ensure it provides adequate protection in case of an accident.

Other drivers on the road can play a crucial role in promoting motorcycle safety awareness by being more aware of their surroundings and following safe driving practices. This includes giving motorcyclists enough space, avoiding distractions while driving, and checking blind spots before changing lanes. Additionally, drivers can also take the initiative to educate themselves about motorcycle safety and be more mindful of sharing the road with motorcyclists.

Enis Shehu, Owner and Developer, Whiteacre Properties

Respect Riders with Proper Safety Gear

Wearing proper protection gear is critical for motorcyclists to reduce the risk of injury in the event of an accident. This includes a DOT-approved helmet, the most important piece of safety equipment for preventing brain injuries. 

Wearing abrasion-resistant gear, like leather or reinforced textiles, as well as robust boots and gloves, can provide further protection. To raise motorcycle safety awareness, drivers should recognize and respect riders who wear protective gear. 

This includes providing them room and care on the road, especially in inclement weather or heavy traffic when sight may be limited. Avoiding tailgating or aggressive behaviors that may endanger motorcyclists can contribute to a safer environment for all. 

Furthermore, lobbying for mandatory helmet regulations and encouraging the use of protective gear in the community can raise awareness of the necessity of motorcycle safety.

Timothy Allen, Director, Oberheiden P.C.

Assume Invisibility: Ride Defensively

Sadly, motorcycles often seem invisible to other drivers on the road. Because of their smaller size, they can easily disappear into blind spots or be overlooked, especially by drivers who are only expecting to see other cars or trucks. That’s why one of the most critical safety tips for motorcyclists is to always assume they are invisible.

This mindset forces motorcyclists to ride defensively. They anticipate that cars might change lanes without seeing them or pull out of intersections unexpectedly. This proactive approach includes maintaining a safe following distance, avoiding lingering in car blind spots, and positioning themselves strategically within their lane to be as visible as possible. These riders also make every effort to be seen with bright or reflective clothing and by always riding with their headlights on, even in broad daylight.

Hamzah Khadim, President and CEO, Logik Digital

Follow Laws and Wear Protective Gear

As a fellow motorcyclist, I can say that it’s important to always wear protective gear, including a helmet, gloves, and appropriate clothing. Also, it’s essential to follow traffic laws and never ride under the influence of any substance. 

In regard to other drivers, they can contribute to safety by being aware of their surroundings and checking their blind spots before changing lanes or making turns. It’s also crucial for drivers to give motorcyclists ample space and avoid tailgating or cutting them off.

Tom Molnar, Operations Manager, Fit Design

Share Your Thoughts

Engage with us and share your insights!

  • What safety measures do you prioritize while riding?
  • Have you ever faced a dangerous situation on the road?
  • How do you propose we enhance motorcycle safety awareness?

We look forward to hearing from you in the comments!

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2 thoughts on “6 Essential Safety Tips Every Motorcyclist Should Follow to Avoid Accidents

  1. Motorcycles are awesome, and these tips are crucial. But at least in my country, the reality is that some roads or cities are not designed for small vehicles like motorcycles —or even sadder, bicycles— so the responsible thing might be to avoid them altogether. 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You bring up a valid point about the challenges faced by motorcyclists and cyclists in areas where infrastructure may not be conducive to their safety. It’s crucial to prioritize safety above all else, and sometimes that means making difficult decisions about which routes to take or whether to use alternative modes of transportation. Advocating for better infrastructure and road safety measures is essential to ensure that everyone can travel safely, regardless of their mode of transport.

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