On Truth and Healing: Journey of a Radiant Heart and Niomi Nicci

My writing process is simple.

– Niomi Nicci

There are times when twists and turns often lead us astray in the labyrinth of life. Yet there are those who dare to tread a path of truth and healing. Niomi Nicci is one such individual, whose journey of self-discovery and empowerment is beautifully encapsulated in her book, “Journey of a Radiant Heart.” At its core, Niomi’s story resonates with simplicity and reflects her profound belief in the power of honesty and authenticity.

“My writing process is simple,” Niomi asserts as she offers a glimpse into her approach to storytelling. Indeed, simplicity becomes a guiding principle in her exploration of personal transformation and healing. Born from a tumultuous upbringing marred by verbal abuse and strict control, Niomi’s quest for a happier existence is both relatable and inspiring. Through her candid narrative, she invites readers towards self-healing and empowerment.

“Journey of a Radiant Heart” – winner of the BREW Book Excellence Award 2024 Book of the Year and two other category titles, among other accolades – serves as a roadmap for those navigating their own paths of growth and self-discovery. Within its pages, Niomi shares invaluable tools for grounding oneself to Mother Earth, embracing the present moment, and harnessing the transformative power of meditation and energy healing. Her approach is accessible yet profound, offering readers practical guidance amidst life’s complexities.

Through her simple yet profound narrative and this exclusive interview, Niomi Nicci invites us to embrace our own truth, take on our own healing journeys, and unlock the radiant heart that resides within each of us. Read further.

TWB: What inspired you to become a writer, and how did you find your voice as an author?

NN: Great question. Finding my voice as an author came naturally. I have always been better at writing how I felt than speaking about it. Writing about a two-decade-long search for inner peace and this spiritual journey I have been on inspired me to become a writer. I was content with journaling my experiences and sharing them only with my mentors and the energy healers I have worked with for the last twenty-plus years. However, when attending spirituality seminars and health and wellness festivals, I found like-minded individuals interested in learning tools to help them along their path to spiritual awakening.

TWB: Can you describe your writing process? Do you have any specific rituals or habits that help you stay focused and productive?

NN: My writing process is simple. Usually, the ideas and thoughts are completed in my head. Then I start jotting down a direction in which I want to tell my story, followed by an outline I write in bullet points using a black and white composition notebook (I have one for each volume; currently on my second notebook), then expand on those concepts with drawings, diagrams, and mediations I want to include. I write directly on my laptop, referring to the notes I made as a guide inside my trusted composition notebook. This habit keeps me focused and productive on a particular thought I’m trying to convey in that one moment.

TWB: Who are some of your literary influences, and how have they shaped your writing style or approach to storytelling?

NN: Literary influences in my life have included energy healers, some of whom are authors and, more specifically, Neal Diamond Walsh. His book series inspired me to create my own and inspired my writing style. When I had considered, at one point, writing a stand-alone, I recognized there was a lot more I had to say; a more remarkable story needed to be told, and it couldn’t be done in a single volume. I wanted to create a three-book series, sharing healing and spiritual ascension work from three decades.

TWB: What do you hope readers will take away from your book, “Journey of a Radiant Heart”?

NN: I hope the truth and honesty in my book(s) inspire readers to utilize the tools, information, meditations, and guidance on each page, to find their version of Radiant Heart.

TWB: Beyond writing, what other passions or interests do you pursue in your life?

NN: Besides writing and journaling, I’ve always enjoyed attending a new book release reading and launch; those gatherings usually come with great h’ordeauves (smiles). Also, I’ve recently taken up horseback riding and music therapy. Once an avid pianist, I have always had a special place in my heart for classical music; it’s a form of treatment. Nowadays, shows at the MetOpera are my passion.

TWB: How do you balance the personal nature of your writing with the desire to connect with a broader audience?

NN: Keeping a balance is pretty simple; I write from my heart. I tell the truth even if it’s embarrassing and hurtful. I’ve learned readers connect to honest experiences and find their truth in your story, even if it’s a painful or abusive encounter I’m writing about.

TWB: What challenges have you faced in your writing career, and how have you overcome them?

NN: So far, I have not had any real challenges besides those I placed on myself. I was a little nervous about writing about the Santeria religion and the difficulties I had with the priest who initiated me. I was afraid of backlash, but it was a fear that I had to overcome as there are many (some I know personally) who are looking for a way out of a toxic relationship. The only challenge I have faced in my writing career was my fear of telling the truth and the possible repercussions. I overcame that fear by remaining respectful to those still in the religion and remaining truthful with my journey.

TWB: If you could offer one piece of advice to aspiring writers, what would it be?

NN: I’m a nonfiction writer, and with that in mind, the one advice I can offer aspiring writers is to write with integrity about their experiences. You would be amazed at how much people relate to honest experiences, even if they’re complex stories to share.

TWB: What projects are you currently working on, and what can readers expect from you in the future?

NN: Ha, I’m so happy you asked. I’m currently working on volume two of the Stairway trilogy. Book two will expand on the tools I shared in Journey of a Radiant Heart. Book one focused on grounding, working through childhood traumas, and finding your own idea of inner peace. Readers can expect the second book to guide them into manifestation techniques as I continue working on expanding Omi’s Books, a publishing company I created to produce even more stories in the future.

TWB: Your book received the prestigious BREW Book Excellence Award 2024 Book of the Year plus two other titles. How did you feel when you learned about the accolades, and what are their impacts on your writing career?

NN: “BREW Book Excellence Award 2024 Book of the Year plus two other titles”—Amazing. It was unexpected and an honor. No words can express my feelings; my book and Journey were noticed on multiple levels, and the impact motivates me to continue telling my story. Now, I’m encouraged to know the first book has touched so many readers, and my writing style has improved to continue telling my story with integrity. I’m in awe at such a spectacular accolade, and all I can say is GRATITUDE. ⭐

“I hope the truth and honesty in my book(s) inspire readers to utilize the tools, information, meditations, and guidance on each page, to find their version of Radiant Heart.”

– Niomi Nicci
Journey of a Radiant Heart by Niomi Nicci
Journey of a Radiant Heart by Niomi Nicci has won several awards including the BREW Book Excellence Award 2024 Book of the Year.

For more information about the BREW Book, Blog, and Poetry Awards, click here.

Get a copy of Journey of a Radiant Heart by Niomi Nicci by clicking here.

Visit her website. Click here.

You can also catch Niomi in the April 2024 edition of our print and digital magazine.

Get your copies of The World’s Best Magazine editions through the links below:

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Niomi Nicci and the April 2024 The World's Best Magazine print edition
Multi-award-winning author Niomi Nicci also appears on the cover of the April 2024 The World’s Best Magazine print and digital edition. (Photo credit: Niomi Nicci)

We’d love to hear about your own experiences with self-discovery and healing.

Have you taken on a journey of personal transformation? What insights or tools have helped you along the way?

Niomi Nicci emphasizes the power of honesty and authenticity in her writing process. How do you strive to incorporate these values into your own life? What challenges have you faced in staying true to yourself?

As Niomi’s story demonstrates, sharing our experiences can inspire and uplift others on their own paths. How do you believe storytelling and personal narratives can impact individuals seeking growth and healing? Have you been inspired by someone else’s journey?

Do share your thoughts on the comments below.

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2 thoughts on “On Truth and Healing: Journey of a Radiant Heart and Niomi Nicci

  1. This was such a candid interview! I could truly see the author shine through the words. It made me curious about the energy path she followed since I dabbled in Reiki myself.

    Liked by 1 person

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