Age and Sports: 5 Oldest Olympic Gold Medallists Ever 

“The most important thing in Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

– Pierre de Coubertin

Inspired by the ancient Olympic Games that took place in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century BC, the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896 after Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee in 1894. Since then, there has been no stopping back. Athletes from all over the world train for years to just participate in the prestigious Olympic Games.

It is unquestionable that the Olympic Games are the most prestigious sports event in the world. Over 200 teams, representing countries around the world, take part in this four-yearly multi-sport event. Winning a gold medal in the Olympics brings prestige not only to the athlete and their family but also to the country that they represent.

We think that sports is the domain of youngsters. Many of us cannot even fathom an athlete over fifty years old. However, we have to keep in mind that ageism is just a myth. People can do anything they put their minds to, irrespective of their age. There have been a number of athletes who proved this by winning gold medals in the Olympic Games when they were way past their primes.

Let us have a look at some of the oldest Olympic Gold medalists that the world has seen so far.  

Name: Oscar Swahn

Age at the Time of First Win: 64                                                        

Country: Sweden

Event: Running Deer Shooting

Recognized by the prestigious Guinness World Records, Oscar Swahn is the oldest athlete ever to win a gold medal in the Olympics. He had won an impressive array of three gold, one silver, and two bronze medals. The Swedish athlete competed in the Olympics of 1908, 1912, and 1920. He won his first gold medal in the 1908 Olympics held in London. In the 1912 Olympics, which was held in Stockholm, he was part of the team that won the Running Deer Shooting event. In the 1920 Summer Olympics, he made history by becoming the oldest Olympian of all time at the age of 72. It is interesting to note that he also qualified for the 1924 Olympic Games. However, he withdrew without competing.

Name: Galen Carter Spencer

Age at the Time of First Win: 64

Country: United States of America

Event: Archery  

Galen Carter Spencer made America proud by acing the archery competition and winning a gold medal at the 1904 Olympics held at St. Louis. At 64 years of age, he was the oldest Olympic gold medalist till Oscar Swahn, who was nine months older than him at the time of participation, broke his record. Interestingly, he made the historic win on his birthday. Spencer won his gold in the team competition. He also came thirteenth in the Double American round. Tragically, he lost his life a mere one month after winning his prestigious Olympic Gold Medal.

Name: Lida Peyton Pollock 

Age at the Time of First Win: 63

Country: United States of America

Event: Archery  

Lida Peyton Pollock, fondly known as Eliza, became the oldest woman to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games held in St. Louis in 1904. Eliza was 63 years and 333 days old when she made the record. Representing the United States of America, she epitomized expert skill and precision at an age when people seldom expect it. Pollock was part of the gold medal winning American archery team. She was also the winner of the bronze medal in the Women’s Double Columbia and National Rounds.

Name: Joshua Kearney Millner  

Age at the Time of First Win: 61

Country: Great Britain and Ireland  

Event: Free Rifle, 1000 Yards

British shooter, Joshua Kearney Millner, fondly known as Jerry, was 61 years and four days when he won a gold medal at the 1908 Summer Olympics held in London. Millner became an inspiration to older rifle shooters by winning the top accolade in free rifle at the 1000 yards events. His experience as a King’s Royal Rifle Corps’ 8th Battalion officer must have made him a tough contender. It is interesting to note that the London Games are the only edition of the Olympics when the United Kingdom was ranked at the first place.

Name: Santiago Lange 

Age at the Time of First Win: 54

Country: Argentina

Event: Narca 17 Sailing

Argentine sailor and naval architect, Santiago Lange, continues to be an inspiration to athletes of all ages. The four-time world champion in sailing had taken part in the Olympic Games for six years from 1988 to 2016. In the 2016 Summer Olympics that was held in Rio de Janeiro, he won the gold medal in sailing in the Narca category along with his teammate, Cecilia Carranza. Being 54 years old at the time, he became the fifth oldest Olympian to win a gold medal. It is interesting to note that Santiago Lange has sailed the Volvo Ocean Race twice in 2001 to 2002 and 2008 to 2009.


When people reach an advanced age, most expect them to live quiet lives devoid of many activities. We can seldom imagine them doing something ground-shattering or record-breaking. In the case of the Olympic Games, we always expect young and energetic athletes to win medals and make their countries proud. However, that is always not the case. There have been many who have proved themselves at an advanced age by winning gold medals at the Olympic Games. You would be surprised to know that the oldest Olympian to win a medal is John Copley, a British graphic artist, who was awarded the silver medal for his design “Polo Player” just a month before his 74th birthday. Men and women have been proving every year that age is just a number. Even in their sixties and seventies, they are making their countries proud by winning medals in the world-renowned Olympic Games.

Do comment and let me know your thoughts on people making history by winning Olympic Gold Medals at an advanced age.

(Reference: Olympics website)

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One thought on “Age and Sports: 5 Oldest Olympic Gold Medallists Ever 

  1. It’s thrilling to get articles like this and realize there’s no time limit for our dreams. Plus, we need more visibility for older folks doing powerful stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

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