Reflections in Fiction: Exploring Trust and Humanity with SS Turner

“I believe The Connection Game is asking the question: Can we trust the human race? I hope most readers take this answer or message with them: Maybe you should be looking in the mirror when you ask this question…”

– SS Turner

Within SS Turner’s literary universe, narratives function as windows into the human experience, reflecting the complexities of humanity, trust, and the search for purpose in the face of adversity. Turner’s stories go deeply into the hearts and minds of his characters, provoking readers to consider their own place in the world. From the funny and inspirational trip of “Secrets of a River Swimmer” to the thrilling tale of “The Connection Game,” Turner’s narratives do just that.

Turner’s words resonate with profound inquiry, echoing the fundamental question: Can we trust the human race? Yet, beneath this query lies a deeper truth, a mirror held up to our own souls, inviting introspection and self-discovery. With his poignant message—“Maybe you should be looking in the mirror when you ask this question…”—Turner challenges us to confront our own perceptions, to peer into the depths of our own humanity.

This is especially so with “The Connection Game” – the BREW Book Excellence Award New Book of the Year 2023 title holder and the BREW Readers’ Choice Award Book of the Month winner for December 2022. The book unfolds with the tale of Benny Basilworth, a genius whose mind is a labyrinth of connections and conclusions. Despite his brilliance, Benny and his family find themselves in the depths of destitution, trapped in a basement apartment with only a narrow window offering a glimpse of the world above. From this vantage point, Benny goes on a journey of mad connections and unravels mysteries that have the power to change lives and turn the world upside down. A world where mystery and tension blend with the boundaries of perception is revealed to us as we go more into Turner’s story.

Ahead of the release of his third book, “Golden,” which is set in Maleny, Queensland, early readers are enthralled by Turner’s ability to bring deep significance to seemingly banal encounters between a man and his dog. “Golden” is a promising book that probes into the connections that bind us all together, amid a world where trust is put to the test and relationships are formed in the most unlikely of places.

Yet, beyond the pages of his novels, Turner’s own life is a testament to the themes he so eloquently explores. Residing in the idyllic Sunshine Coast of Australia with his wife, daughter, son, and a lively menagerie of pets, Turner embodies the essence of trust and humanity in his everyday interactions. From the playful antics of his dog to the quirky personalities of his cats and chickens, Turner finds inspiration in the simple joys of life, reminding us all to cherish the connections that make us truly human.

Read more to know further about his thoughts.

TWB: Congratulations on winning a BREW book award! Can you share with us a brief overview of your award-winning book and what inspired you to write it?

SST: “The Connection Game” is the story of Benny Basilworth, a genius who he sees things others don’t see and draws conclusions that others completely fail to grasp.

Despite his brilliance, Benny and his family find themselves destitute, living in a basement apartment with one tiny window that affords them only the view of the feet of passersby on the street above.

It is from this vantagepoint that Benny once again starts making connections. Mad, inconceivable connections. Connections that can change lives and turn the entire world upside down.

I was inspired to write “The Connection Game” by my own experience of living in a basement flat in London from which I could only see the feet of passersby on the street above. There was something about trying to interpret the world outside my window by watching passing feet that I found fascinating.

TWB: What elements of writing do you feel contributed most significantly to your book’s success in this regard?

SST: Based on the feedback I’ve received, The Connection Game’s characters are unique and memorable so I think that’s one of the novel’s key strengths. The novel’s suspense is also a strong plot driver which was amplified by the limited view of the outside world the Basilworth family have from their basement flat. Most readers are finding the book hard to put down as a result.

TWB: The BREW book awards emphasize literary quality and excellence in writing. What specific techniques or literary devices did you employ to ensure your book stood out in terms of craftsmanship and storytelling?

SST: I wrote “The Connection Game” totally in flow with the aid of a rough plot plan. By allowing the story to go where it needed to go I believe I opened up narrative possibilities which were hard to foresee when I started writing it.

I also believing editing a book many times is the key to transforming good writing into great writing. I edited “The Connection Game” countless times, so I think that helped.

TWB: The BREW book awards celebrate books that offer unique perspectives or explore important themes. What do you hope readers take away from your book, and what message or theme were you most passionate about conveying?

SST: I believe “The Connection Game” is asking the question: Can we trust the human race?

I hope most readers take this answer/message with them: Maybe you should be looking in the mirror when you ask this question…

TWB: Writing a book often involves significant research and creativity. Can you share any interesting anecdotes or challenges you encountered during the writing process of your award-winning book?

SST: Much of my research for “The Connection Game” came from living in a London basement flat below street level which was similar to the one the Basilworths live in.

Just like Benny Basilworth, the protagonist in the novel, I recall standing on tippy toes and being mesmerised by the passing feet on the street above.
There was something hypnotic and otherworldly about that experience which became core to the setting and energy of “The Connection Game.”

TWB: The BREW book awards recognize excellence in various genres and styles. How do you think your book contributes to or challenges the conventions of its genre, and what sets it apart from other works in the same category?

SST: I believe “The Connection Game” challenges both the literary fiction and psychological thriller genres by the way it deals with the evolution of truth.

Day to day, it’s an evolving concept in the novel, and the plot culminates in truth transcending the story and the characters in a way which is both surprising and enriching.

TWB: As a BREW book award winner, your work is recognized for its outstanding quality. What advice would you offer to aspiring writers who are striving to achieve similar success and recognition in the literary world?

SST: My best advice is to write about topics you are passionate about and interested in. This is a powerful way to bring out the best writer within you.

TWB: Winning the BREW book award can open doors to new opportunities and audiences. How do you plan to leverage this recognition in your future writing endeavors or literary career?

SST: I appreciated the BREW award very much. As a relatively unknown author, it’s been a great help as a form of validation to include the award on my Goodreads and Amazon profiles.

TWB: Finally, what’s next for you as an author? Are there any upcoming projects or ideas you’re excited to pursue following the success of your award-winning book?

SST: I’m launching my third novel “Golden” in June.

“Golden” is the story of a man who learns to listen to his dog while he’s trying to solve the mysteries of his life and the strange community that he finds himself living within.

Here’s its blurb: “SS Turner weaves a tale of adventure with twists and surprises, including Mia, a golden retriever with extraordinary communication skills. If you’ve ever wondered what your dog is thinking, then Golden is a must-read!”

Gregory Berns, author of How Dogs Love Us says the following about the book, “Readers who enjoyed The Connection Game’s surprising and suspenseful storyline are likely to enjoy this one, as are readers who enjoy stories which make them laugh and cry.”

I’ve also been told it’s one of the most honest and comical pictures of relocating to Australia that’s ever been written.

As for me personally, it’s a special narrative because it features my golden retriever, Mia, who passed away three years ago. I’m ecstatic that she might continue to exist in “Golden” as she was such a unique dog.

The novel is due to be launched this year and can be pre-ordered now. ⭐

“I believe in writing about topics you are passionate about and interested in. This is a powerful way to bring out the best writer within you.”

– SS Turner
The Con
“The Connection Game” by S.S. Turner won three (3) BREW book award titles including the coveted BREW Seal of Excellence.

To pre-order “Golden” or get a copy of SS Turner’s first two books, click here.

For more information about the BREW Book, Blog, and Poetry Awards, click here.

Join the conversation! Share your thoughts on SS Turner’s interview. What themes stood out to you? Have you experienced similar situations in your life? Do comment below.

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