Weaving Worlds: A Conversation with Michelle M. Pillow

“My travel experiences are a wellspring of inspiration. Every place I visit adds layers of authenticity and diversity to my world-building. The people I meet and the cultures I encounter influence my characters’ backgrounds and perspectives.”

– Michelle M. Pillow

How does one become a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Michelle M. Pillow? Known for her sci-fi romance, paranormal romance, supernatural fantasy, and paranormal women’s fiction, Michelle brings a unique blend of romance, mystery, and diversity to her novels. Her books, filled with imperfect characters and happy endings, resonate deeply with readers and invite them into intricately crafted worlds where the extraordinary meets the everyday.

With over one million books sold, Michelle M. Pillow has built an impressive career in romance fiction. Recognized by the Romance Writers of America for her prolific output, she has penned over one hundred books and made significant contributions to various genres including paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, historical, contemporary, and paranormal women’s fiction. Her works have been published by major houses such as Random House, Simon and Schuster, and Entangled Publishing, among others.

Michelle’s educational background includes a Bachelor of General Studies in History/Business with an English Minor from Fort Hays State University and a Photography degree from the New York Institute of Photography. Her diverse skill set also led her to work as a journalist and photographer for Paranormal Underground Magazine.

Her romance writing career began in 2004 with the publication of “The Mists of Midnight.” She gained early acclaim in 2006 when she received the Romantic Times Bookclub Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Award for the historical romance “Maiden and the Monster.” In 2014, the anthology “Taming The Alpha,” which included her novel “Stirring Up Trouble,” hit the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. Her novel “Love Potions” was honored with the Virginia Romance Writers HOLT Medallion Award of Merit in 2015. In 2021, Michelle was awarded a grant from the Mississippi Arts Commission to support her “Order of Magic” paranormal women’s fiction series. The first book in her newest series to be launched today, June 25, 2024 – “Merely Mortal” – has received the BREW Seal of Excellence.

In addition to her literary achievements, Michelle is involved in various film and historical documentary projects with her filmmaker husband. She even made an appearance as a refugee extra in SyFy’s “Z Nation” in 2016. Her novel “Dragon Prince” received praise in 2019 on SyFy as part of a science fiction and fantasy romance recommendation list.

In this exclusive interview, Michelle shares insights into her creative process, the challenges she faced in her early writing career, and how her experiences have shaped her into the resilient and innovative author she is today. From her love of stories with happy endings and unsolvable mysteries to her commitment to creating relatable, transformative characters, Michelle Pillow’s real and crafted tales are a treasure. Her ultimate goal is to craft stories that not only entertain but also linger in the hearts and minds of readers long after the final page has been turned.

Read further.

TWB: Michelle, can you tell us about the moment you first fell in love with storytelling?

MMP: When I was ten, my dad gave me a camera, and I couldn’t put it down. For the longest time, I was confident I’d be a photographer. I loved capturing moments and telling stories through my lens. But then I discovered the magic of storytelling through words. After publishing my first book, writing became my primary focus, and photography took a backseat. I realized that, while I could capture a single moment with a camera, writing allowed me to create entire worlds. One day, I decided to see if I could tell a story in words, and I was hooked. I haven’t stopped writing since.

TWB: You said your journey as a writer began in middle school. Can you share some early challenges you faced and how they have influenced your work today?

MMP: In middle school, I faced the challenge of finding my voice and battling self-doubt. I remember trying so hard to be like Poe, but I think it turned out more like a B horror movie slasher film. It wasn’t well received. I’ve since learned resilience and the importance of believing in my creativity. Today, I embrace those early struggles as they remind me to be brave and authentic in my storytelling, always pushing boundaries to create richer, more relatable characters and worlds.

TWB: Your books often blend elements of magic with everyday life. What draws you to this combination, and how do you balance the two in your writing?

MMP: I’m drawn to the combination of magic and everyday life because it reflects the way we all experience wonder in the everyday. Magic represents hope, possibility, and the unknown. Balancing these elements involves grounding my characters in real emotions and experiences while allowing the magical aspects to elevate their journeys. This blend makes the fantastical relatable and the everyday extraordinary.

TWB: You’ve mentioned your love for books with happy endings and mysteries that are hard to solve. How do these elements influence your storytelling?

MMP: Happy endings and mysteries are the heart of my storytelling. Happy endings offer hope and resolution, while mysteries keep readers engaged, inviting them to imagine beyond the last page. Together, they create a reading experience that is both satisfying and intriguing, encouraging readers to explore the depths of the narrative and their own imaginations.

TWB: With your passion for travel and new experiences, how do these adventures find their way into your stories?

MMP: My travel experiences are a wellspring of inspiration. Every place I visit adds layers of authenticity and diversity to my world-building. The people I meet and the cultures I encounter influence my characters’ backgrounds and perspectives. Travel opens my mind to endless possibilities, infusing my stories with unique settings and adventures that resonate with readers.

TWB: Characters in your books often undergo significant growth. How do you develop these characters, and what do you hope readers take away from their journeys?

MMP: Character growth is central to my storytelling. I develop characters by giving them relatable flaws, challenges, and desires, ensuring their journeys are authentic and impactful. I hope readers see themselves in my characters, finding strength and insight through their growth. Ultimately, I want readers to feel empowered and inspired by the resilience and transformation they witness in my stories.

TWB: You’ve created intricate worlds in series like Qurilixen World and Warlocks MacGregor. What is your process for world-building, and where do you find inspiration?

MMP: World-building is my favorite part of writing, requiring both extensive research and a vivid imagination. I draw inspiration from mythology, history, and my own experiences, blending these elements to create unique and immersive worlds. Each detail, from cultural norms to magical systems, is carefully crafted to enrich the story and provide a believable backdrop for my characters’ adventures.

TWB: As an author who has worked with major publishers and as an independent writer, how have these experiences shaped your career and writing style?

MMP: Working with major publishers taught me the intricacies of the publishing industry and the importance of professionalism and collaboration. As an independent writer, I’ve embraced creative freedom and entrepreneurial skills. These experiences have shaped my writing style by balancing discipline with innovation, allowing me to produce stories that are both polished and uniquely my own.

TWB: “Merely Mortal” recently won the BREW Seal of Excellence. What does this recognition mean to you and your readers?

MMP: Winning the BREW Seal of Excellence for “Merely Mortal” is an incredible honor. It validates the hard work and passion poured into the story. For my readers, it’s a testament to the quality and emotional depth they can expect from my books. This recognition inspires me to continue creating stories that resonate deeply and entertain.

TWB: What advice would you give aspiring authors who are trying to find their unique voice and tackle the complexities of the publishing world? What do you believe are the key secrets to becoming a bestselling author, and how have they contributed to your own success?

MMP: To aspiring authors, I say: embrace your unique voice and write with authenticity. Don’t be afraid to take risks and explore unconventional ideas. The publishing world is complex, but perseverance and adaptability are key. Building a supportive network and staying true to your passion will guide you through challenges. For success, focus on crafting compelling, well-written stories that connect with readers. My journey has been shaped by a deep love for storytelling and a commitment to delivering memorable, impactful narratives.

“I hope readers see themselves in my characters, finding strength and insight through their growth. Ultimately, I want readers to feel empowered and inspired by the resilience and transformation they witness in my stories.”

– Michelle M. Pillow

Useful Links

Merely Mortal
Michelle M. Portal is not just a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She is also a multi-award-winner. Her newest book, “Merely Mortal,” is the recipient of the BREW Seal of Excellence.

Share Your Insights

We’d love to hear your thoughts on our conversation with Michelle M. Pillow! Here are a few questions to get the discussion started:

  1. Which of Michelle’s books or series has left a lasting impression on you, and why?
  2. How do you think Michelle’s travel experiences have enriched her storytelling?
  3. What elements do you enjoy most in a story that blends magic with everyday life?

Share your responses in the comments below!

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2 thoughts on “Weaving Worlds: A Conversation with Michelle M. Pillow

    1. Thank you for sharing your story, Michelle. For all that you’ve accomplished in life, it’s a breath of fresh air to notice how down-to-earth and approachable you truly are. I believe that’s one of the secrets of your true success. Keep shining!

      Liked by 1 person

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